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Sheedwiththeweed is an author and an authorized cultivator and patient caregiver who has dedicated his life to educating and helping people grow weed legally. Originally from New Jersey, Sheedwiththeweed was incarcerated for his involvement with cannabis, an experience that shaped his passion for reforming drug laws and advocating for the legalization of marijuana.
After being released from prison, Sheedwiththeweed moved to Missouri, where he has continued his work as an authorized cultivator and patient caregiver. He has spent countless hours researching and experimenting with different growing methods, and has developed a wealth of knowledge and expertise that he is eager to share with others.
In his book, Sheedwiththeweed draws on his personal experiences, as well as his extensive knowledge of cannabis cultivation, to provide readers with a comprehensive guide to growing weed legally. Whether you're a seasoned grower or just starting out, Sheedwiththeweed's book is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in growing high-quality, legal cannabis.

Social Justice & Beyond: Where’s the opportunity?
Rasheed Gresham 45, proudly flashed the 4×6 laminated card certifying him as a licensed medical marijuana patient and cultivator in Missouri. He’s also a licensed “caregiver” who can legally provide small amounts of medical marijuana to approved patients. Gresham’s proudest possession, however, was his adhesive business sticker. It features him in caricature dressed in a leprechaun’s outfit standing next to a black pot filled evergreen cannabis. Balloon lettering introduces: “Sheed with the Weed.”Gresham’s exuberance is understood once I heard his story...